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Weekend Re-cap – Chance
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Weekend Re-cap

Mastered the record!

Well, almost. Got to my mastereing engineer’s (Rob Beaton) house around 10:15 AM. Brought him my latest shirt! We spent the next hour converting the sample rates of 24 bit masters to 44.1 (keeping them at 24 bit). So, we yammered away during that process and plotted lunch expectations….

Decided to work off of vox/instrumental splits rather than the full mixes and I don’t know exactly why, but it really opened them up more. He pushed me to go louder on the lead vocals, and he was right. Took a lunch break around 2. We ordered from an amazing Thai place called Ayara. Probably my favorite Thai in LA, and I highly recommend it.

We had to call it a night around 10 PM (after that made a ref copy for myself, which took a little more time). All in all, we made it a little more than half way through the record. (Did I mention this record will be a full length? Can’t remember if I’ve already told you that. ) Plan is to complete mastering after the Vegas show.

2nd to last Practice before Vegas

Sunday was 2nd to last practice before our Vegas show. Mike was late (surprise!), Flanders was tired, but after a bit of just loosening up, I was surprised at how tight everything was coming together. The guys and their abilities to play the new songs have grown by leaps and bounds in just a couple of weeks. I think last week’s Sunday practice of 8 hours in length really put it over the top. Took a little while to remember the old material (“oh yea, I remember that song!” seemed a common opinion), but last night’s practice quickly brought those up to speed.

All that remains is Wednesday.


Apparently, a new song was leaked on Riverside’s 103.9 FM last night. At around 9 PM. No reason given.

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