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Recollecting the future – Chance
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Recollecting the future

by Chance

Yesterday’s practice was a blast. We’re working on all but one of the new songs. My guitar player Mike wasn’t there (he’s doing a couple of shows in Colorado with his other band, Waiting for Decay). So, the four of us plowed into and improved upon the newbies.

Tired today. Practice days are grueling, especially when I have too many other things to do during the day. Basically, the only power down time I have is watching the season finale of The Office. I can’t begin to tell you how much I love this show. And the cliffhangers they wrote into this episode. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

So, this weekend promises a lot of work. The pace of my mixing is picking up. I’m going to probably re-work a few, and go back and re-mix rip, torn broken. I may even re-sing it with the new mic. I hit my voice a little hard last night, so it may not be up to snuff, but I think after a full day of rest, it’ll be fine. If I do, I’ll probably do it in the afternoon tomorrow.

Monday, I’m having a meeting with my creative dept on the new record. We’ve been going back and forth on ideas, and as the album is coming close to taking shape, it’s time for me to start imagining the design, and the ideas I want (or hope) to convey. Even gave myself a writing assignment:
What does this album mean to me?

Hope you liked the acoustic/alt mix of Happening. Finished the full mix Wednesday night. I think it came out pretty nice.

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