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Weekend Re-Cap – Chance
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Weekend Re-Cap

There are weekends that are filled to a certain degree, and then there are weekends filled so completely, so without remorse, regret or any notion of circumspect. A weekend so filled that father time was the only person sitting at the table.

This was that kind of weekend. Since chronological is my usual game of reporting, I’ll continue as such.

Here was my hurricane path

Work, half day.
12 PM Workout
1:15 PM Car wash
2:00 PM Made a righteous sandwich
2:30 PM Studio recording. New song; GROOVY song. Just drum beats and guitars. Excited about this one.
7:45 PM Dinner with wife at a place called Ortolan. French and owned and run by the husband of Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine, you geeks!), Christophe Eme. Came out and talked to us twice; even made us a special desert. Just asked us what we liked. We ordered Sweetbreads, Filet of Beef, and a Scallop appetizer.
1145 PM early to bed…

7:45 AM…early to rise
8:30 AM Exercise
9:00 AM In the Studio. Continued work on the new song. Yes! Vocals, lyrics written, song named (“The Soft Bomb of Diplomacy”). Burned a copy for myself to listen in the car.
Why so soon? Well I was about to head off to …
2:00 PM – 6:00 PM FSU vs UAB @ Yankee Doodles Sports Bar in Santa Monica. My Seminoles played terribly for almost an entire half again, but started playing much better in the 2nd half and pulled away, 34-24. However, it should have been a blowout. Still though, a win is a win at this point.
7:45 PM Meet Bob early at the Rehearsal Studio. Radio Interview tonight with the Alchemist’s Playground on the American Radio Network. Rest of the guys show up, we head out to the interview.
9:00 PM Interview starts and goes really well. We perform four songs acoustically
Finger on the Trigger Makes a Man Feel Bigger
Life & Life Only
Time Travel

And in a tip of the hat to some of my Florida fans, a new song:
Ambulance Chaser
10:45 PM Late dinner with the boys in the Choir at Roscoe’s Chicken & Waffles. 20 minute wait. During that time, Steve walks across the street to Denny’s cause he’s craving a milkshake (although he made no mentions of the boys in the yard). Note to anyone: NEVER drink a milkshake before Roscoe’s. It’s plain madness.
1:30 AM Sleep. Sweet Sleep.

9:45 AM Late to rise.
10:50 AM Sit down to an early matinee of 310 to Yuma at the Grove 14. Icy cold A/C; forgot a sweater. 20 minutes into the movie, the projector’s bulb died. Full refunds (well no refunds on the popcorn and drink we barely ate.) Sigh, I was really getting into this movie. Still though, a bit proud of myself I wasn’t furious and was able to compartmentalize well. Next weekend maybe. It became a running joke the rest of the day because everything next that transpired was a result of us not being able to finish watching that movie.
I had intended on recording. I had intended on doing a little cleaning up etc.

Uh, no.
1:00 PM
Home Depot??
One hour later after stopping at Crate & Fricking Barrel to buy something called a coverlet. What in the hell is a coverlet?? I remember it once being called a bed spread, but now they’re fricking coverlets. Oh the world today…

Anyway, one hour after C&B, we were in Home fricking Depot picking swatches to paint our living room! This color? Nah, ooh wait, that one! Yes! Ok cool, what do we do next? We were potheads in a 7-11, filling the cart with virgin brushes, tray liners and black tarp.

Took the two chosen colors (one for this wall, one for that wall), we quickly walked the dogs (they needed it) and began moving furniture and prepping the living quarters. The first coat of primer went down. Then…

4:16 PM Back at Home Depot. This lighter color is too light. Looks like freaking liquid paper! No way, Josie. “Can you make it more like this even though it’s currently like this?” The dismayed gent behind the counter rolled his perplexed eyes with only sparklets of hope. We were mad scientists searching for the cure to the common refrain always first test your swatches at home prior to buying $40 of paint.
5:17 PM First coat of the light color. First coat of the dark color. 2nd coat of the light color. 2nd coat of the dark color. THIRD coat of the light color!? Hmmm…. Dunno…

9:00 PM A realization that the dark color is really cool… and the light color is really not. Restoration furniture, and removal of blue painters tape.
10:00 PM Season premiere of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

11:00 PM MUST. GO. WITH. DIFFERENT. COLOR. I guess this is what you would call a hit…and a miss…

12:00 AM Sleep. Sweet Sleep.

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