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weekend update

Hey kids, here’s the weekend update…with your host…Chance.

Friday was an extension of Thursday night. Why? Because I got super stupid sick. It’s a long story as to why , but suffice to say vomit was involved. It was actually so physically traumatic (can’t think of another word that isn’t so melodramatic) that it took two days for my body to stop feeling exhausted.
So, I took Friday off from work, and just attempted to relax.

Early Saturday morning, I went to the 2006 DIY Convention in Los Angeles. Held at the Egyptian Theater (in I believe it’s 3rd year), it’s a convention of panelists and discussions on going the DIY or Indie route as a musician. Sunday afternoon was more focused on filmmakers, but all day Saturday was strictly music (good for me, yes?).

I hung out with an FOC from San Diego named Jeffrey Berringer (who is a truly cool artist & person!). First up was the Key Note address by Derek Sivers from CDBaby.

For those of you who don’t know, CDBABY is the largest independent music store on the Internet. It was founded by Derek about oh, 10 years ago, as he was a musician having problems getting his own distribution. So, he decided to do it himself. EVERYTHING positive you’ve ever heard about this guy is spot on. He was fantastic, enlightening, kind, and taught ANYONE who was listening that you could do things independently and that you didn’t have to be evil. He simply resonated with me from an inspiration point.

There were other panels involving getting music licensed, touring (that was on Sunday), DIY/Indie or Major (gee, I wonder what was favored by the panelists), and a few other things. All in all, well worth my time, if for no other reason than to reinforce my opinions and the direction that I plan on taking my music career (didn’t mean that as a tease, but yes, more info coming soon.)

You know what? Screw that; time to divulge some things. Quickly. [this is an instinctive and yet about face decision].

In the next six months, Chance & the Choir will begin touring the United States. Much work has to be done, and I won’t do it til I have everything thoroughly prepared, but I hope you will be able to see this take flight soon. Six months sounds like a long time, but it will happen sooner than you think.

A quick (I really mean QUICK) pre-introduction to the Choir:
Adam Flanders: Drums
Bob Vaughan: Bass
Mike Zepol: Guitar
Steve Nicholas: Guitar

Now, a complete section of will be dedicated to the members of the Choir. As soon as I’m finished recording Single 15 (and we playour San Francisco date) I should have time dedicated towards creating the “Who is the Choir” section of

Sunday contained a couple of hours of the DIY convention and, later in the evening, a 4 of 5 Choir practice (Mike was unable to attend). Practice started out shaky, but quickly found its groove around the 2nd or 3rd hour. We really delved into tightening up parts and, more importantly, focused on getting the bass and drums to hear each other parts and feed into a locked in rhythm. It was not quite night and day from the 1st minutes of practice, but it was close.

Monday was spent doing some studio housekeeping. Really mundane stuff, but necessary as I had been putting it off for too long.

Tuesday was V-day, and I made, hmm how should I put this?
Roasted Poussin with Gnocchi and spring vegetables (fava beans, green peas, onions), Morel Mushroom foam, and a Spinach Puree.

Ok, truth be told, just the title of the dish alone proves me a bit of a show off. lolololololol

And you know what? It was goooooooooooooooooood. 😉

Important MySpace announcement about Single 15 coming soon.
