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If you’re a fan and have access to a digital video camera, I need you to record something of yourself. it’ll take just a few minutes…

1. Please take a look at my first video blog. Imitate the way it looks to set up your shot on a tripod (or have a friend hold the camera still).

2. Sit as close to the camera as you can, keep your head in the center, so you so your face is fully in screen. No full body shots. From the neck up only.

3. Look into the camera, and in your OWN WAY, say the following:


Say it however you like, just make it SUPER short, like maybe 5 seconds. Put your personality into it. You can be funny, angry, scared, stupid, crazy, sleepy, whatever;, just have a blast with it!!

Once you are done, e-mail me at chance “(at)”, and I’ll tell you why you’re doing this. I want to keep it a secret from the general public til it’s ready to go!

Now, obviously, don’t do anything lewd or hateful or whatever. Just be yourself and come up with something fun!

Remember… 5 seconds!

Talk to you soon, and let me know as soon as you have it ready!