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Single 15: Recording update

I am attending a DIY Convention all this weekend, so I want to do as much recording this week as possible.

Last night, barring anything I missed, I have completed recording the vocals for Single 15. Next up: completing the drum track and percussive overdubs. I say “percussive” because I don’t know that I’ll have any traditional percussion on this song, but I will have…handclaps.

You’re gonna dig.

Last night, I also–somehow–found the time to roast a leg of lamb. Ok, that sounded really funny to me, primarily because I actually tend to ocassionally wonder why I’m always so tired.

So, the leg of lamb was amazing. I totally winged it, and made a stuffing made of diced mushrooms, onions, garlic, romano cheese, thyme, rosemary, breadcrumbs and couple table spoons of cream.

Served over rice. And made this juice from the roasting juices. It was awesome.

Back to Single 15: I will be making a special announcement soon regarding this song. Stay tuned!