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Caring & Sharing

It seems that people find the world to be so cold and disconnected. That people just don’t care. That we aren’t interconnected enough. Not enough sharing.

I write this now to say, unequivocably, the exact opposite: People need to care LESS and share LESS….

I got not one, not two, but three e-mails today from friends saying Clay Aiken has come out that he’s gay. Um, seriously? First of all: who the fuck is Clay Aiken??!! And more honestly: Who cares! I don’t care and neither should you.

Oh, don’t mind me; I get the joke. I acknowledge that this “stunning” development is mentioned with tongue firmly planted in cheek (um, pun intended, I suppose). Frankly, I think it’s great he’s just being honest with himself, especially considering that —at least in this regard— the rest of us should collectively go fuck ourselves. I just think that, at the end of the day, our heads are so completely overwhelmed by muck, spackle and debris that we barely have enough functioning breaths allocated to the things that matter most in our lives. Aiken’s achin’ has nothing to do with it.

Lohan is now a lesbian. BIG DEAL. So am I. You happy? Ugh. Lindsey can ram her freckled whatevers against whomever she chooses. It doesn’t change one iota my opinion of her limited acting ability nor does it help me more closely monitor the current gestational activity of the fetus I may one day be lucky enough to call my child. 

Hey, is there a depression in the house?
Yea, I got a 401k. Yea, it’s down about 20% this year. Yea, as we speak the government is losing its collective shit because of its hell in a handbasket and give two shits about the people (except for own hides) approach to governance (See The Daily Show’s John Oliver’s point that George Bush may not be trying to be our worst President, he’s trying to be our last. ) And yet, believe it or not, Clay Aiken being attracted to the scent of a man while he raises a child as a single parent had nothing to do with that. NOTHING.

We spend an inordinate amount of time on nothing and wonder why we have no time. We spend an inordinate amount of time waiting for our next moment to arrive, when it’s here every single day, passing us by with sighs while we dare to frown on our “lack of opportunity.”

Life is here, folks. It’s HERE. Grab it. DO SOMETHING. ANYTHING. Strive to make your life better. But my god, stop caring so much. And Clay, seriously, stop sharing so much.

Cause it matters not.

Comments (2)

Good way of working towards your point. Have always thought the lyrics “First you know, they stop and stare. ‘Oh my God’, then ‘I don’t care’.” were about this. Of course, it did not yet cover the fact that we’re still concerned about these tidbits whilst the United States (and generally, the whole Western world with them) have so much more important things to preoccupy themselves with right now. Well… time to get my Sorry Everybody ( ) book from the shelf again…

BTW I’d vote Obama too. Doesn’t it aggrevate you how McCain kept on saying (with the “caring” look on his face because of the mascara they put onto his eyebrows) how the veterans can know that he will take care of them, because he has experience. That he will be best in the office, because he has experience. Ugh.

On a side note, the guy on the photo looks eerily much like our first Idols winner who came out later on as well.

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