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Practice Practice Prac…

Last night (yesterday afternoon, but who’s counting), began constructing the set for the show on Wednesday.
Injecting some new blood into the show, so that should be fun. A SURPRISE introductory song, which I hope will go over well…
Don’t need to change strings, they still sound good. Practiced some scales on the piano too; left hand always goes to shite when it’s been a few days. That drives me up the wall for some reason…

The Scion XB got a bath. Superchunk hung outside with me. Love it when that happens. Just tie his leash up to a tree or telephone pole next to where I wash the car, and he chills. And the ladies in my neighborhood love him when they see him as they come home from work. And he loves them right back.

Did some e-mailing to end the night, talking with new fans or potentially new fans. Well that along with watching the Thorpedo beat Michael Phelps in the 200m Freestyle.