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short term thinking on a long term goal

I have been thinking lately that the world needs an enema. Do you get this sneaky feeling, this growing morbid dread, that you are just tired and sick of it all? That we, as a country, as a people, perhaps as a world, are just getting tired?

Now, I’m not talking suicide, kids, save that for your weekly goth get togethers (like South Park said: Individuality through conformity!) I’m talking about this general sense that there needs to be a re-fresh button, a re-start, re-boot or do-over.

Abe Lincoln has been attributed to saying that “a man can fail many times but only truly be a failure once.” Well, guess what Cuz, I see a whole shit load of “onces” around us!

No, the sky is not falling. That’s too metaphorical. And we’re not going to “hell.” That’s too religious and frankly, a copout. There is no boogieman. And don’t blame the hurricanes, the floods, the quakes and the butterfly effect. This planet’s been around alot longer than we have and this sort of shit is going to happen.

This opinion is a casting down upon the people who run our daily lives: Our government and our media.

Fire them. All of them. There are 537 positions available between now and 2008. I say let there be 537 new faces. I don’t care if it’s Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian or Wu Tang. These labels have quickly lost their meaning. Worried about the “devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know?” Phhpt. You can’t be serious. Find a problem firing some of these people are actually good people, good citizens, and well intentioned public servants? What, and the people who replace them won’t be? Law of averages makes a play here.

Every member of our federal government should be out of jobs. Soon. This is a NO-CONFIDENCE VOTE.

How is this accomplished?

I have….NO…idea. But it sure feels right. Oh wait… maybe we should just…vote…for..the other…guy. Or how about this? Run for election!

Regarding the media
I say this to everyone; To all my friends, fans, family members, acquaintances and hell, even strangers reading this:

Please stop watching 24-7 news. They are filling our heads with garbage because there is NO need for a 24 hour news cycle. There just isn’t that much new News being created in a 24 hour period. Don’t tell me you need to know where Hurrican Wilma was 15 minutes after you found out—–WHERE HURRICANE WILMA WAS. Don’t tell me you need to know everything that Lindsey, Tara, Britny, Ashlee are doing right now. This very second. Hell, don’t you feel dirty you even know who I was referring to without mentioning last names??? Ugh, I do. Why on God’s green earth do I know Janet Jackson may in fact have a “secret” daughter, one we never knew about. One WE never knew about??? What’s this “we” shit and why do we care?

Let’s try a noval approach and spend time with your kids (hell, learn their names!), or with loved ones. Spend time with friends. Go out and get shitfaced (drink responsibly!), or master the art of full contact Poker. Go out for a drive. Don’t do what you do when you normally buy a book (put it on your bookshelf so your place looks cool). I have 3 books I’m “in the middle of reading.” What the hell is that all about? But damnit if I don’t know that The White House is asking the Onion newspaper to stop using the official Presidential Seal in its parodies. (off topic: how desperate is this administration that it gives two whits about a prop the Onion is using; a prop, by the way, that has been used on TV since its inception).

I don’t care. All I know, is that vice you feel on your head is not the same one our parents felt when they were young (or their parents). They worried about daily living. We worry about stuff WAY beyond our control. We are slowly becoming fully functioning drones. Your life lack meaning? Stop participating in other people’s lives. Get your own!

And in case anyone attempts to misrepresent this, please allow for this clarity: I say this not angrily, not in haste, not with reactionary emotion. I just see what’s happening, and see no positive activity. I feel like we didn’t read the dry cleaning bag and have put it over our heads in spite of dire warnings. I feel we are acting out anger that is not ours, it’s misfired, it’s misrepresented and its unnecessary. We’ve been putting diesel into our regular unleaded gas tanks.

Maybe Barbra Streisand and Donna Summers was right: Enough is Enough is Enough.

Some people rightfully contend that one person’s action may not be able to change the world. But if we all change our course, I think this thought might be suprisingly short sighted.

So, act now. Don’t delay, this offer is for a limited time only. Some restrictions apply, etcetera etcetera blah blah and snore….

That’ my signoff as I gotta run. I think I just saw that has a breaking news story about there being no news on the CIA leak probe.

There we have it folks, it’s official: NO news is actually news.