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i’ve been in web site hell lately.
listening to cal tjader at the moment. first time i’ve listened with headphones. it’s cacophony at its finest.
vibraphones, old rhodes piano, triangles, flutes, standup bass, plenty of brazilian counter rhythms, and always an unusual but old school quick fade out at the end of each song.
i miss playing.
i miss touring.
i wish i had money to put my band on the road.

Looking around the office i’m just struck at how quiet it is. did you ever wonder what happened to hustle and bustle? are people afraid of feeling alive?
Add to this a note: i’ve barely said anything today (except a conversation about Reggie Bush).

Going to a Pediatric Cancer Benefit tomorrow night. I do their web site (helps with the bills, trust me).
— I like wearing suits. Some day I’ll have one for every day. —
It’s the typical mingle about, with people who make ignominious amounts of wealth giving some of it to a worthy cause. (take that off my list for today: “use ‘ignomnious’ in a sentence!”)
It should be interesting if for no other reason than an human observational one. Plus, I’ll finally get to meet my client whom I’ve only known over the phone and, as our fricking President says, “thuh internets.”

And to the remaining 35% of the country who still approves of this President’s job…what on earth are you waiting for?! Oh well, not everyone will get everything. That much I’ve learned.

A political note and a quick one as the politics has really soured me lately:

To Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and all your subs who are trying to pin that Blame America First argument on your critics:

We’re not blaming America. We’re blaming you.

And another thing, one I find hopeful:
I think fewer americans are buying into the tripe that comes out of the rove machine. Even the most dense are coming to realize that the President who rides his one trick pony named Terror can only be believed for so long. Like Bill Maher so eloquently put it:
If you have to keep reminding us we’re at war, then we’re not at war. Our troops are at war; we’re “shopping.”

You know that feeling you have when you are so encumbered by so many details that you fail to pick even one to work on? You almost feel some sort of version of helpless? Well, I’m there or at least near that.
It’s a very transitional feeling and always has been for me. But I hope the transition occurs to me a little quicker than normal, because it’s starting to bug me.
I live off the gumption of tackling a challenge. But when you have similarly prioritized challenges in your life, sometimes, you go well, where the fuck should I begin?

So, I’m trying to tackle the ones I hate the most (or at least annoy me the most) in an attempt to get to the ones i love all at once. I just hope the annoying ones don’t leave me so burned that I lack the creative energy to get to the good ones. I don’t mean to hide behind my words, I just am struggling to better define this, so there it ’tis.

I think it’s just one of those cranky days, those moody moments, those bleary eyed situations where time and such provides the necessary cure.

So, raise your glasses, my friends, to….time. Whether it be tomorrow, the weekend, January 20th 2009, or just the holidays…to time: may it be gentle on us all, in spite of its track record.