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up..then down… then up…then down

Being someone who has dedicated himself to making music as a business is also being someone who better fricking like rollercoasters.

Case in point:
About a month and a half ago, I booked us a return engagement to San Francisco. The club, called the Tongue & Groove, was fun the 1st time and we knew we’d have a better time the 2nd time since it was to be a Friday.

So, the band and I discussed some ideas and it was put forth that we should make an entire weekend of it. No sense in driving up there just for one show like before. Let’s try to get a Thursday and a Saturday. Plus, I also got us our Whisky date for the Tuesday after we return. A nice little jaunt followed by a great big Whisky show! Fun!

So, I embarked upon the task of “booking.” Without going into too much detail, I’ll just say the club promoters are strange birds in that 90% of them don’t return phone calls or e-mails. Perhaps they are Amish? I dunno, but I admit the difficulty connecting can wield the soul towards depressing frustration. And strangely enough, when you do finally get a hold of them, they usually are really nice people and express profound interest in your music.


Ah yes, so Tuesday, I finally got a promoter to secure us a Saturday show. I’m talking tons of follow ups, but persistence paid off. In Roseville, CA, the club is called The Underground Cafe. It’s all ages, and I really think this show is going to be a blast. Henceforth, a feeling of glee and cloud nine’ishness ensued. All I needed was Thursday and we were set.


So, WEDNESDAY (yes the very next day) I set about to send both the Underground AND the Tongue & Groove some promotional materials. 8×10’s for hanging in the club; that sort of thing.


I go to the club’s web site (the Tongue & Groove) because I just wanted to double check their mailing address, and upon arriving at their web site, I see THIS emblazoned all over their calendar of events page:


You may now use your collective thoughts to imagine my dismay.

All of their June dates erased.

After a few shall we say urgent phone messages, I finally got through with the promoter who confirmed that yes, our show is a “no-go.”

And just like that, back down to one. ONLY NOW, I have to try to figure out how to book a FRIDAY NIGHT in SAN FRANCISCO, when I assume MOST have been booked months in advance.

Asking you to wish me luck somehow may not cut it, huh? (sigh)

So, the band and I have been on the phone with promoters, clubs, friends, myspace buddies, and band peers to see if there is any way we can bump on to their opening slot. Somehow. Many of the clubs so far have actually responded quickly (with no’s) but they’ve been very kind and helpful. I mean this kind of thing has never happened to me and sounds what most would consider “unusual.”

If you are a band in SF, a fan in SF, a club owner or promoter in SF, and you might have a solution for us, please e-mail or myspace me.

So, ahem….wish me luck!

This can be summed up with one quick vocal elocution: