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to know before you know

You know the feeling you get when something is going to be good, even though you don’t quite have the definitive proof to prove it? Like a good meal as you see it being made, or a smile from a stranger, it’s a hunch a feeling that something. is. going. to. be. good.

Well, my dear’s, that was retrospective theme of this past weekend.

Friday afternoon (after a routine dentist appointment) I got home and began setting up my studio to record on Saturday. Something hit me: boom cha, boom cha, boom cha. Hmm, I thought: this was not my original intention for that drum groove, but you know what? Screw it. I like it , and I’m in. For you geeks out there, I’m going 48k on this one.

Saturday morning: Woke up, went outside and jumped rope for 15 minutes. Trust me, it works.
After walking the dogs, I dove into the recording AND composition of Single 15.

Boom cha, boom cha, boom cha.

Like a rectangular block of clay, I just chipped away at the song. Little by little, shape took form, and something nice was happening. I wasn’t at the giggle point yet, but I just didn’t get too analytical and completely went with instinct.

Lunch brought leftovers from last night’s dinner (veal with red cabbage, apples and proscutto). Sat in front of the TV and pondered the afternoon’s possibilities while my eyes watched but barely noted about an hour’s worth of Men in Black I (it’s truly a funny movie, I was just zen’ing at the time).

Afternoon: back on the horse.

Boom cha, boom cha, boom cha.

Laid some scratch guitars, and bass. Tweaked drum parts. Shortened musical section. OOH! Bridge idea. LOOOOOVE IT!!! Re-did guitars & bass (because of bridge idea). Basswise, I cranked the tube pre-amp so I could get a more overdriven sound. Just used the scratch vocal I sang on the idea about two months ago, and so far everything is working.
The answer is “yes.”

Woke up early Sunday morning (around 7:30 AM) so I could drive all the way down to Whittier, CA to resume editing on video. Oh man, got aLOT done, and director and I are so very much on the same page. He’s doing a fantastic job with editing, and we were able to complete a strong 1st draft of the full cut. All that is really left is to go back to the earlier areas of the song and make them as strong as the end (when we really found our mojo). Plus, color/treatment. Estimated time til completion? Maybe another day or two so of work. Stay tuned.

Driving back up to Los Angeles, got directions to the nearest In-n-Out Burger, because I craved (perhaps to the point of obsession) one cheeseburger, animal style, no pickles (I don’t mind pickles, just wasn’t feelin’ it) with a medium Dr. Pepper. “Fries with that?” No.

Made it back home by 3:15 and did a photoshoot for the drummer in the Choir. (Last week, he wasn’t able to make it). He got to listen to early version of single 15 and was….pleased. 🙂

Went to practice at around 4:15, there by 4:30 pm.

Drummer wasn’t able to make it (he had a gig at the knitting factory with another band), so it was a guitar/bass/vocals sectional.
4 hours later, man on man, what a great practice. LOTs of improvement, and perhaps even more so, everyone was starting to find where they needed to get to. It was the first light at the end of the tunnel rehearsal for the boys, and while we’re not ready for live just yet, it was thoroughly pleasing to see how they are coming along.

So, pretty cool weekend. Comment if this makes you happy as clams!

Winded up the night by seeing Jim Gaffigan’s standup on Comedy Central. That guy is hilarious. After that, watched most of China’s 1st Emperor thing on Discovery. Pretty fascinating stuff, most notably the “terracotta army.” That was mindboggling.

My weekend was good, how was yours?