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how was your weekend?

Mine was busy. Just busy in a “my eyes are blurry” sort of way.

I made this rad French Veal dish. If I told you it had a foo foo name, you’d agree when I told you it’s actually called Veal Prince Orloff.
Some Prince from way back when hated the taste of Veal. So his servants (somebody anyway) created this dish for him that masked the flavor ( which is silly cause veal rocks). Regardless, it comes with duxelles (chopped mushroom compote thing) and soubise (pureed onions and rice), and then is coated/glazed with this mornay sauce (all the veal drippings, plus cream/milk and etc. It’s sort of a bechamel).
Served it over rice and oh man oh man oh man…

Now, I had to make this on Friday night because I knew that the next two days were going to be so full that the possibility of cooking would prove absolutely impossible. So this veal roast (2 1/2 lb) provided leftovers.

Fast forward to Saturday:
Completed vocals on Single 14. I’m happy, jack.
Did all necessary cleaning up of tracks; organizing it and getting it ready for mix.
Watched a tremendously beautiful film called “Millions.” It comes from such a good place, I can not even tell you. AND it was directed by Danny Boyle (Trainspotting). It’s amazing.

On Sunday, I sent out the December newsletter. Hope you received. If you didn’t SIGN UP! 🙂
Also, completed drum tracks on Sunday.

Late Sunday night was a 3 hour Choir practice.
Auditioned a guitar player. Will let you know more as that develops.

So, it’s Monday. I’m working on some more final things on Single 14. Last day to tidy up little parts here and there (mostly it’s bridge work).

Another thing: I don’t mean to sound alarmist, and I hope nothing is wrong:
But today a co-worker who, from all accounts, seems to be an extremely accountable person has not been heard from since Friday.
I really hope the bad feeling about this amounts to ABSOLUTELY nothing.
I don’t want to say his name; I just ask that you give some prayers that he is OK.
Cause honestly, this would SUCK.

That’s all for now…