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Not much time to blog today. I’m operating on about 4 and a half hours of sleep.

Last night, I finished the final mix for Single #13 (called Push) and made it live today. By live of course I mean including all the art and other single pages.
Yesterday around lunch I went driving around Pasadena and found the old street crossing push button that you see in the single art. I found a few other styles but this was the only one that had my name and the name of the song written on it!

In about an hour, I hope you can make it down to the board hang. Should be fun…

After that, I just HAVE to practice for Thursday’s show. I was so busy last night, I couldn’t even dedicate a moment to it.

And then….. sleep. Sweet, blissful sleep.

Til I wake up tomorrow morning and do it all over again.

See you at the hang.