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My name is Chance. These are my opinions for 07-26-2005

1. I seriously believe that food, if prepared correctly, can bring world peace.

2. There are elements of all 50 states in America that should make you happy that you live there, or happy to meet someone who does. Don’t believe me? Visit them. I’ve only got two left: North Dakota and Alaska!

3. Peanut Butter rules. Specifically: Jif.

4. Want insight on how to win this war on Terrorism? It’s not about Terrorism. It’s about extreme radicalism of any kind. Read Fareed Zakharia’s column on MSNBC. The guy is just so even keeled.

5. Want to feel good about yourself? Do this:
When a busboy (not the waiter) does ANYTHING for your table (re-fill waters, clear plates) ALWAYS say thank you and look them in the eye. The respect you’ll get back is worth its weight in gold.

6. If you go to a movie and it’s not a comedy–and I mean a laugh out loud comedy–please do everyone around you a favor and stop talking (read blog from yesterday about my movie going experience seeing March of the Penguins). I should probably say “shut the Fuck up” but there might be young kids reading this.

7. Don’t wait to tell someone when they are doing something well (friend co-worker/anyone). Just tell them.

8. I can’t believe I was on 56k as long as I was. Whew. God bless cable modems.

9. Try, at least one time a day, to do something creative.

10. Don’t hate your parents. Even if they suck. You can be pissed, you can get angry, you can let them frustrate the hell out of you. But never hate. It will eat you up.

That’s it for today!
Single 11… coming soon.