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The Next Choir Show and other ramblings

So, I just sent out the latest flyer for the next Choir show. Can’t wait to play this show; we have a goal: Sell this out! Can we do it? Who knows, but we’re going to try. Hopefully, all of you will be there to help!

The flyer I sent out was a colorized photo I took of the Paris Subway. Played around with it, and had some fun with the honeycomb tile.

Going to see a couple of FOC’s perform tonight at the Hotel Cafe. Libbie Shrader and Kat Parsons. Early shows, gratefully as I am going to burn the candles hard leading to my show on the 16th.

First choir practice is this Sunday.
I wish I had time to record before then, but I don’t think that I do.

You’re going to love what I’m wearing to the show….Will leave THAT at THAT.

Whatja think of London winning the IOC bid? I must confess I was rooting for Paris. But it looks like London put up a great bid, and the UK rules too. So there.

Me and Flanders are going to jam tomorrow (flanders is my drummer, yo). Then I’m going to see a band at the Roxy. I told you I was going to go out!

Hey, if you’re on MYSPACE, add me as my friends list just passed 900. Next stop: 1 TRIPLE ZERO!

Yes, of course my CD’s will be on sale at the show, but I must confess that my 1st one’s supplies are running low.

When in doubt, improvise.

