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alas, the return

I can certainly appreciate that many who found themselves at least partially consistently looking at my journal have probably found themselves peeved, then dismayed then bored at the fact I have not updated in forever and a moon.

Completely understand.

But never fear I have returned, and hopefully (how many times have you heard that?) will be a little bit more consistent.

I need to quickly bring you up to date, as there have been reasons as to my absence.

Most notably, two and a half weeks ago, my mother in law suddenly passed away. Completely unexpected; massive heart attack. You don’t want to get that call, man. It’s brutal. Christina is still very much in mourning but each day gets a little better.

The 1st week was comprised almost solely on cleaning up the house and preparing it for sale. Her mother was 63, but the husband (Christina’s step dad) who has alzheimer’s, is 81. So he can not take care of himself. More on this…

Countless drives to Goodwill, with the dropping off clothes, small furniture, nick nacks, as well as a visit to a local foodbank are some of the things I did. I tried to help wherever I could. The family was just so stunned by this, they had not choice but to go into survival mode. Each coped in their own way. It had all the makings of massive dysfunction but all in all most were pretty well behaved. She was, however, the glue of the family and this in no uncertain terms meant the breaking up of this home.

The X factor in all of this was, of course, the step dad. I have a profoundly new opinion of Alzheimers (well, I previously had no opinion). Suffice to say it is a horrible, horrible disease and, after living with him for 5 days (I took off work) while helping with the house, I firmly believe it is what brought her life to an early end. It is incredibly taxing. It was just so sad. It is confusing, enraging, angering, and heartbreaking to both the sufferer and the suffered upon.

So, the house is up for sale, the father now lives in Scotsdale, AZ with his son. All this in about two weeks.

So, thanks for your patience; please tell all I am back and well. And to all who have extended their well wishes to Christina, please know that she really appreciates it. Completely.
