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Chance & the Choir Show update: 14 days and counting!

Wednesday night, I jammed with the drummer for the Choir to tighten up one of the new songs we’ll be playing at the big show. It went very well.

Fast forward to today where guitar player #2 came over to tighten up harmonies and to hash out guitar parts on the new song as well. Very well indeed!

So, next week will be our 1st rehearsal; I’m very jazzed about that. I wish it came sooner but such is life.

Now, about the movie I saw last night. I don’t know really how to properly tell you about it, because to show excitement for it doesn’t necessarily mean you should see it.
I guess the point to that comment is it’s definitely not for everyone, but to anyone who may be interested it is an incredibly substantive movie that is just mind boggling at times.

It’s a Korean movie called Oldboy and is without question one of the most insane revenge fantasy plots you will ever see. I hope so, anyway, because this movie is intense. Let’s just say the Revenge of the Bride in the Kill Bill are slaps on the wrist compared to the depths of the dark soul the two men at the center of this movie go to.

It’s violent, funny, well acted, thought provoking, potentially repulsive in places (if you’re afraid that certain societal taboos no matter the reason can not be shown in movies). It’s phenomenally well filmed, constantly entertaining, busy, keeps you guessing throughout, stylized and perhaps most importantly, quite inventive.

I don’t recommend it for all, but for those with a strong stomach and a wish to see some of the things described above, DEFINITELY check it out.

Also, check out Roger Ebert‘s review of it. That’s what got me to go see it.

I’m glad I did.
