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Choir Show #2 Update: 19 days and counting…

I hope everyone had a good time with the 1st choir lesson. Had that planned and ready for a week. The next one should go out next monday, as I want to have 3 ready for you between now and the show. Worked a little on #2 last night, but didn’t get as far as i had hoped.

Say, are ya going to the show?
This is when grass roots initiative really needs to take hold: call, cajole, e-mail, ask, mention, beg, scorn and pledge your friends to come to this show. It will not be soon forgotten. There will be some fun things planned. And oh yea… there’s also that whole CD#2 thing!

Yesterday was NO TV MONDAY. I highly recommend it. I don’t watch that much TV as it is, but there’s nothing wrong with advocating less. So, on Monday’s we intentionally keep the thing off. Invariably it’s on just for background noise, but sometimes that begs the question “why.” It’s surprising how peaceful the place can sound when it’s off. And mind you, I’m not saying kill your tv (But go ahead and crank up old Ned’s Atomic Dustbin anytime you want in my book). TV can provide a lot of enjoyment and as much as most of it sucks, some of it is amazing. In other words—like life—it’s both.

All I suggest is to take a day out of your week as a day of otherly doings. Books, projects, cleaning, music, whatever. Try it; I’ll bet you dig! I also wouldn’t be surprised if many of you already do.