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What day is today?

Wednesday, a day fraught with hope, excitement and general borderline disarray.

So much to do, and I’ll start by saying that I’m continually working on Single #10*, whether I’m in my studio, or at work.
The thing is much of what gets written…gets written in the mind; and a lot of that then gets sung into the mini-recorder. Gotta preserve the cream of the creme de la whatever.

At the moment, the mind is deep at work on the bridge solo section, and it seems at every turn the part gets more interesting. As well, I think I came up with a better way to transition from this piece to the so called “Last Chorus.”

But all this jibba jabba won’t get put to the test til later this evening when, upon returning from a hard days’ work, I begin the task of putting it to “tape.”

I’m just very excited about this song, and frankly, I confess the above was mundane in the grand scheme of things. But as a writer/artist chap, these are the charges of electricity by which we function and live by. It’s just moments in time when a riff, or maybe a drum fill ties up a loose end. For every artist reading this, I suspect that you know EXACTLY what I mean. Well, don’t get me wrong, there’s a part of us that always believe that the song, or painting, or book, or story is NEVER EVER quite finished.

But that’s what makes us want to get up in the morning.


(*Note: Rather than Audio Releases, I think I will begin to refer to all single releases as SINGLES. Then 5 singles make a CD. Then CD’s and Singles are ALL Audio releases.)