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A Wedding in the rain

Spent the weekend in Sante Fe, New Mexico witnessing the marriage of Brian Levy to Candice Hamilton. Beautiful, just beautiful. Stayed at world famous Bishop’s Lodge (that’s what the brochure says and I’m duty bound to repeat it).

It was cold most of the weekend, & really only rained from the beginning of the ceremony til oh, about the end of the ceremony. Probably not what the wedding plan (or participants) intended, but I must tell you, dear reader, I really feel it made all the difference. There was something cleansing about it. Something almost reverent. I wish I could put it into better words, but these will have to do.

Reception was fun, and I believe a good time was had by all.

Late that night, I was informed by g-friend that a car had ran into our apartment earlier in the day (we’re on the 2nd floor). Um, yes, that is indeed not something you hear every day, is it? No injuries (dude who lost control of his vehicle taking a too-fast turn may have sprained something), and no real damage other than an innocent Stop Sign and Street post, some shrubs and a long bumper streak along the west end of the building.

Upon my return to aforementioned apartment I witness the heartbreak of FSU losing to our hated rivals, University of Florida. I don’t want to talk about it.

But what a BUSY weekend, no? All my love to Brian & Candice…