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The Day After Yesterday

I’m not going to talk about the Bush win, as evidenced by the Kerry concession made a few minutes ago. There will be plenty of time to lose collective minds over the 2nd Bush term given the way he acted during the 1st term. I mean, stay the course, right? Besides, the owners of this country will do whatever they want to do anyway (George Carlin).

I said this a long time ago, when this year’s Democratic primaries were underway. Kerry did not provide the breath of fresh air to convince Reagan Democrats or Clinton Republicans to change their votes.

But Edwards, in my opinion did. And it shocks me that the Democratic powers didn’t recognize this. In this man, I saw vibrant potential and hope. In a world where people are now calling themselves 9-12 republicans–which means they are operating on emotion and not LOGIC– it pained me as I saw the primaries turning towards Kerry. He was just too cold and distant. Would he have been a fine enough President? Well, sure I suppose, I mean we’ve survived Bush somehow haven’t we?

But he didn’t have that sense of hope that Reagan for the repubs, and Clinton for the dems provided. And more importantly, he didn’t find common, middle ground in the electorate. I remember speaking to a friend back in oh ’96, and saying what I continue to feel is true: I really believe there should be a party called the Centrists. A respectable, socially liberal and pragmatic, fiscally conservative party that takes the best of both the dems and the repubs. Leave the fringes out on their own, and you’ll find a country united in the center.

I truly believe that this country wants to feel united (it’s in our fucking name for christ’s sake) but so long as the extremes in each party run things, we…will…NEVER…get there.

It’s an US vs THEM thing that is essentially nothing more than a cold civil war. We are at war against each other, and many of us don’t even realize it. I feel it started when the Republicans lost the White House in ’92. They sorta got used to the place, having been tenants for 12 years (and not counting Carter, since 1968). Clinton came in, pissed them off, the evangelicals lost their mind, and you had 8 years of the right wing trying to bring him down.

And the same thing happened on the left. The left wing side felt the same barbarous feelings toward Bush, a man who lost the popular vote by millions and won the electoral college (BTW, i’m a believer in the electoral college: it gives small states and quiet populations a voice; without it parties would concentrate on the population centers and small states would be ignored. Don’t think that won’t translate when legislation gets passed too. Beautiful and great states like South Dakota, Montana etc would be fucked for money).

Repubs had their Ken Starr, Dems had their Michael Moore. And most of the country, who wanted to feel united, was left outside with their dicks in their hands.

So, who’s it going to be?

Who’s going to rise up, say succinctly and boldy to this country: enough of this despicable culture of complaint, gotchas, “us vs them”, “either you’re with us or against us” mentality that is metastasizing throughout this country that I absolutely adore?

I’ve been thinking about us
And the forgiveness that we seek
While we wait for the best time
to make it bittersweet

And the light it feels good
While the past bears down on us
All our confidence is broken
on the streets where we once lived

Who should we listen to?
Who should we imitate?
Let’s wait til it doesn’t matter anyway,
on the Day After Yesterday

It’s so hard; we shield ourselves
from rocks that we have thrown
While we wait for the best time
to be what we thought we could be
And the guilt that stains our lives,
like a feel good TV show
If it ends in gun play
we could wait for the ricochet

Who should we listen to?
Who should we imitate?
Let’s wait til it doesn’t matter anyway,
on the Day After Yesterday

I’ve been thinking about us….
