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Video and the Red Sox

So, how happy should everyone in the world besides Yankees Fans be right about now? Even Tibetan Monks in Nepal are jumping up and down.

Met with Sharke13 regarding video treatment for SWYW. He has completely storyboarded it (looks amazing) and after he gets back from a week vacation, we’ll start location scouting.

I’m not sure when we’ll start actually shooting, but I will tell you this (to all who read this): if you’re a Chance fan living in the greater LA area, and you are male, and don’t mind running a bit, I will need your help!
It’s a little premature to put the call out right now, so I’m just planting the seed. So, if you want to be in my video, just know I’ll need you in the next couple of months (hopefully!) I will need about 20 people, so the more the merrier.

It will be for the lead-off track on my new CD. Pick it up now!