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Debate this!

Watched the debate last night. Both did fairly well; Bush was a little agitated for the first bit (almost recalling his “the way Chance always see him” performance on the 1st debate), but right at the 50 min mark, he really sort of calmed his voice. He stopped sounding so much like an asshole. Regardless, no opinions were changed. I did feel that both candidates overstated some things, mistated some things and there was a certain sense that both started to wind down in the last 15 minutes because of the subconscious desire to just…be….done….with…these…debates…! Course no bigger mistatement was Bush’s “I don’t recall saying I wasn’t worried about Osama” Bin Rang-alang-a ding dong. That was funny. But, seriously, who cares. I already voted, right?

Spent the rest of the evening, doing a color change on the main web site. I think this will allow me to keep the site looking fresh without doing major re-designs (which i currently have neither the time nor the inclination right now ha).

And hey, it’s been a few days, and I’m keeping up with my journal!

Off to the post office in a bit; got CD orders to mail out! Have you gotten yours?

Tonight I start mixing the next mp3 audio release.