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Big show tonight!!!

Wow, this week just flew! I’ve spent far too much time working the day job and not enough time working on my music. Thank god this week is almost over and my focus is singularly on this show tonight.

Practiced alot this week, just to get my voice into shape etc, and I’m looking forward to the songs I’m going to perform. I’ll tell you about them tomorrow.

Spent a small amount of time watching the DNC informercial. I keep expecting them to say but how much YOU would you pay for Presidential candidate? 100$ Try 29.99. But wait there’s more!

Clinton’s speech ruled. As did Barak Obama, the soon to be US Senator from Chicago (he’s currently running unopposed.) Mark my word: He’s going to be our 1st African American President. Well, I could be wrong…But I could be right…

I love John Edwards and still wish the ticket was reversed. Oh well…. I think he’s an amazing person. Such earnest depth.

Damnit, don’t you hate the feeling that you think you’re doing something this weekend, but you can’t remember what the hell it is??

Sorry, I’m bouncing all over the place here, no semblance of chronology because I’m just too antsy.

Night before last, saw Elvis Levy perform with Ana Nalick. That was nice. Also hung out with his g-friend and my g-friend.

ARRRRRRGHHHHHHH, i want this day to end. And it’s 10:50 AM. I think I’m going to treat myself to sushi for lunch. That’s right, I said it. Yea, who’s stopping me? WHO????

Enough silliness, wish me luck. speak at you tomorrow or on the message board…