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This weekend: Recording, Bowling, and singer/songwriter…

So, Friday was pretty copacetic. Spent some time near the grill with some chicken (stuffed with mushrooms, shallots, blue cheese, pistachios, raisins, and fresh rosemary). Oh yea, and a slice of ham.
Watched the boob tube (I actually don’t even remember what we watched), as we were staying in this weekend to save cash. Oh yea, God Damn it was hot. Like… VALLEY hot.

Yes, what fun!

Ok, started recording an alternate version of my soon-to-be-released audio download, SAY WHAT YOU WILL. The normal version of the song is heavy, uptempo and rocking. The alternate version is eclectic, spanish flavored with lots of percussion (canastas, claves, timpani! and acoustic guitars).

Laid down acoustics first. Then started laying down the percussion parts. Lots of multi-rhythmic patterns all playing off the strummed acoustic riff (which is different than the normal version of the song). Then decided, “Hey, I know what this song needs: TIMPANI!” HAHA……YES!

Then, in a fit of genius (I know, calm down; I can’t! Shut up! What?) I also thought, “Hey, wouldn’t it be cool if the last chorus was song by a crowd?”

Where am going to get a crowd?

Opened a separate session of Pro Tools, and for the next hour and a half sung the chorus, over and over and over again. 50 separate tracks! Moved the mic around the room every 4 or 5 takes. Last 5-10 takes, the mic was actually in the hallway (distance!). Every so often, I sang in different voices to mix it up. Sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes the harmony, sometimes slightly deranged, whatever.

Bounced these “crowd” tracks down and imported them into the alternate version session. Dropped them in and voila!

Finished the night with Indian food (from one of my favorite restaurants, Nizam) and the movie, NARC, starring Jason Patric and Ray Liotta. Saw it when it originally came out. If you haven’t seen this movie, watch it. It’s intense.

Ok, Sunday was just craziness. Crazy in a good way, if not exactly a “saving” cash way.

Completed the mix for alternate version of SAY WHAT YOU WILL. If you’re an FOC’er, I’ll post on the board for you today after I’m finished with this journal post.

Then went and hung out with Mr. Kister and his g-friend, High-D. Mr. Kister books clubs locally and we’ve been hanging out lately.

So we went and bowled at the Lucky Strike at Hollywood and Highland (High-Ho if you’re local and a complete dork). You know how when you walk into a place and it looks too good to be true? Cooler than thou people working there, place is in pristine condition, lanes are computer run, just a beautiful complex. They even give away free candy at the register, and High-D had heard the prices were cheap, even though they weren’t posted! Yes, that last line was foreshadowing.

I think I haven’t bowled in probably 5-6 years but I did pretty well, bowling about 140 last two games. Trust me, for me that’s great. Actually compared to g-friend that is unbelievable. LOL. I would have bowled better the last game, but they turned on these stupid ultraviolet black lights and neon glow job lights that made it difficult to see the lanes, but somehow was supposed to be “cool.”

Walked up to pay for the games we played. Kister, g-friend and High-D were paying for the BBQ chicken pizza, the macaroni cheese balls and beer and what not. The guy behind the register, whom I’ll casually nick name “Pompous Ass Jockey” says to me….SAYS to me, casually, “That will be $89.50.”

Um, I’m sorry, what did you say?

“That will be $89.50.”

I let out this laugh that reached the darkest, most hidden corridors of “LUCKY STRIKE” BOWLING ALLEY at HIGH HO. And then said,

“Honey, you gotta come over here and listen to this!!!”

G-friend walks over. “Go ahead”, I said to Pompous Ass Jockey. Tell her what you told me!”

“That will be $89.50,” repeated Pompous Ass-Wipe Jockey.

I know! I thought he was kidding but look at his face, he’s serious! Pompous Ass-Dildo did not respond to this most accute observation. Similar responses from High-D and Mr. Kister ensued.

You know how when you come to the realization that your rectum been so thoroughly plunged that getting angry seems playfully unnecessary? Actually, anger never even enters into the equation (til much later)! You pay your bill, walk out and revel in the genius of the people who just played you for the fool! You should have KNOWN better; how could it have been their fault??

***Later Sunday night***

Went and participated in this Songwriter Sunday show at a club in LA called Room 5. It’s this thing put on by Sally and Joel from the band, Paper Sun where they have about 10 songwriters play 2 songs each. They are judged (although the whole competition is not to be taken too seriously) and winner at the end wins $50. But mostly it’s a way to meet other songwriters and players around town.

I gotta tell you it was alot of fun. I played Say What You Will and Closer’s Not Good Enough (the latter on a SHITTY out of tune piano). Response was quite nice (especially after the thing was over). Didn’t win, but really enjoyed the spirit of the whole thing. I’ll probably do it again in a few weeks. My favorite was this guy named Coop. He was probably 6′ 6″ and played a 3/4 sized guitar. On him it looked like a uke. His voice was powerful to say the least. Another strong performer was Nicole Gordon. Also a very powerful (and completely different) voice.

I was probably the most “rock” guy there, as much of it steered in the John Mayer vibe (what IS the deal with John Mayer!!?? Ugh…) One guy sung a song about his cat liking to eat green peas and canned corn. Two other guys, playing guitar and banjo, sung HILARIOUS songs about kicking your ass because they are from Boca Raton.

So, all in all, a fun, busy, expensive and tiring day.
Good night!