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Reasons for being remiss…

Wow, time flies. Sorry for being remiss. Many things I have done, these past few days.
Too cool for words
Ok, I don’t know how to properly describe how this made my day, but here goes:

A few weeks ago, I happened upon a web site called Books for Soldiers where you can send some of your old books (or new) to soldiers in the field who need something to read during their down time. There’s a message board there too where you can get mailing addresses for some who just don’t seem to be getting enough mail, and many of their buddies post for them asking that you just write a quick note to say hello.

I thought, what a great idea, and I wrote two guys: one by mail and one by e-mail.

So, here 3 weeks later, I got my first response!! The guy by mail (e-mail probably never received). He is Private First Class William Sherman and is stationed in Iraq! I picked him among the bunch because he too is a musician, and said that since picking up a guitar at age 22, he hasn’t been able to put it down.

He was very happy to receive the letter but confessed to going “Who the *&%!!!! is this?” when he received my letter (before opening it). He was able to reply by e-mail, and said that he had to keep it short and sweet because the transmission on his vehicle broke and needed attending to. He planned on writing longer response later. Either way man, amazing, and I rightly look forward to any response from him.

So, if you want to have your day made, do this. Go to which is the forum called Operation Forgotten Soldier, and take it from there! Good luck!


Been concentrating on gearing up to do more song writing. I had a momentary lull after my last incredibly visceral outpouring (by my own account), and I needed some space to draw outlines around where I thought new ideas would take me. Sometimes it’s like keeping an eye on a kid playing in the backyard. Not watching intently but very aware that they are back there and sooner or later it’ll be time to get em to come inside.

One song I plan on working on tonight will be titled “Call it a Crime.” I just have 6 verse lines, melodies, chords, and just wrote chords and melodies for a possible chorus (after already being in bed for 15 minutes; had to get up and hash out quick on my mini-recorder). Tonight, I’ll flesh em out and see whether it stands up. I’m privately excited, but then again, I almost always am.

Last night, I had my first Friends of Chance Message Board Get Together. It was tremendous fun, and I’m grateful for all who took the time to attend. Probably have the next one in about a month. It was also alot of fun to see people who aren’t the regulars on the board (no, that’s not a dis to the regulars; they, as white people might say, be my peeps). Some people just stood on the sidelines and simply enjoyed reading the conversation. But they showed up, logged in. it was pretty nice to see other newbies getting their feet wet too and actually posting their thoughts on the WIDE variety of subjects. Just an all around good time.

I leaked a copy of my next release during the hang, and yanked it when it was done. So, those who attended got a bonus. There Won’t Be a Next Time gets released on this site on June 29th.
Oh yea, the very first F.O.C. Cover Song will be Creep by Radiohead. I’ll release it on the board as soon as I start (and finish) recording it.

Sunday, I went and saw the Playboy Jazz Fest at the Hollywood Bowl. Herbie Hancock, Robert Randolph and the Family band etc. Got there around 1:45 (it started at 2) and left around 9:45. Thank god for sunscreen.

The Nigerian performer, Femi Kuti, was the best of the night, in my humble opinion. Amazing band, dancing women, crazy horn section. Very uptempo, and SERIOUSLY got the crowd moving.

Lil’ Sis Update

She’s been phased up!!!! To phase 3. She’s had her new job for 3 weeks now. All good news. If you’re new to the journal and don’t know what any of this means, keep reading. 🙂

That’s it for now…
