Physical went well. I have allergies. Adult Allergies. I wonder if that’s some sort of pornographic statement.
Picked up some Flonase; you know, from those annoying commercials. $46!! Whatever, dude, time to get back to livin’….
I dream of creating: not just music, or art, but every facet of my life. It could be the way a night of a get together of friends goes or even something as simple/stupid as the way I drive my car to work. But in this case, as you have seen before, it was about food.
Never made a tenderloin before, so I bought one. I knew how I wanted to spice it up but did research on the web on the best way to cook it. Grill? Broil? Roast? Sear?
Found this one recipe that had alot to do with searing it on a grill. Crank the grill for 10 minutes (on high, mind you), then sear it on each side for about 3 minutes a side, til interior temp is around 140. Then let sit for 10 minutes. Wanted to serve with some Cuban style beans, grilled onions and white rice. Mmmm… right?
So, being a master of efficiency, I crank that little puppy of a grill up and walked away to begin a) grilling onions b)creating this little port glaze for taste etc., and c) taking the loin out da fridge for cooking.
I go out after 10 minutes and the grill is looking hot. Wait, back into the house, I gotta finish chopping the onions.
So, 5 minutes goes by and I notice a beautiful orange outside on the balcony. But the sun had already set.
I walk outside, with the meat on a plate, some olive oil spray for the grill, and the tongs for moving the meat around.
Hmm….the grill is on fire.
Calmly, I turned off the gas/propane tank, and with no essence of turmoil in my voice, I said aloud, “honey, can you grab the fire extinguisher?”
I blew on the fire, which had started because a piece of wood that is on the grill—the area where you put plates and what not— this piece of wood had moved because it was not properly secured. And it had moved and lodged itself next to the grill.
So, because the grill was SUPER hot, this one piece of wood had…caught on, well…fire.
So, I blew on this one piece of wood, while g-friend grabbed the extinguisher. I tried to keep this flame down because the two pieces of wood next to it had not caught fire and if they had, the side of the apartment complex was next. I mean, they are literally inches away from each other.
She came out, says, “How do you use this thing?”
I said, “I don’t know; I’ve never used one. (My dad always kept it away from me, otherwise I might have used it on my sister when we were kids. hehe)
“Here, pull this pin,” she says. I pointed it towards the flame, pressed the 1st time and nothing happened.
Well, I didn’t squeeze hard enough, so, I squeezed a little harder.
Two quick shots of this —ahem— non toxic formula and the bulk of the flame was out.
I grabbed this loose piece of wood, and it was still like a cinder. It was still “sort of” on fire.
Two more squeezes from the extinguisher and it was pretty done.
My grill, now covered in white soot, would not be the source of cooking tonight.
Whew is really all I can say.
Addendum: We just broiled the pork, it came out fine. Border line dry, but fine.
I wanted to do more site work tonight, but I must tell you: the prospects of your apartment on fire generates little creative energies. We were probably 2-3 minutes from it being a much larger fire.
Ok, I am definitely helping an old lady cross the street today….