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Gotta start sometime…

Met with Jamie Cerreta from Chrysalis Publishing this evening. We went around the bend trying to find a place to munch but arrived at the wonderful decision of Albano’s Pizza on Melrose.


Jamie is in a good place right now. His career is taking off, having signed some good music to his company’s label and he  and his wife recently plunked down on a nice house. Talks of bachelor parties and the great Missoula River spiced up the conversation, in between the career talk and music whatnots.


Told him how excited I was about my direction, and he re-iterated his looking forward to listening to the demos I have recorded so far.


Told him a little about this web site [the journal and what not] and he also suggested I just start playing acoustic or stripped down shows first before putting together a performing band.

He noticed a loneliness to my demeanor; in mostly the fact that I’ve cocooned myself in the recording side of things for a while now and that I seem to noticeably look like I miss playing out live.


He’s right.


As soon as I’m over this cold, I’m going to start working these songs up for playing stripped down. I think I’ll play both guitar and piano depending on the song.


God damnit, I’m looking forward to this.